Thursday, September 17, 2015

Berlin - Thursday, 17 September

As we all gathered at the airport, we conversed about our flights and rejoiced in the fact that our luggage was all there. With all accounted for who should have been, Willi contacted our coach driver, Horst, and we were on to stow the luggage and make our way to the hotel.

In just about 25 minutes we arrived at our hotel for the next four days.

Some were anxious to freshen up and start exploring, others wanted to catch a brief rest before enjoying our first day in Berlin. It was a bit disheartening to find that our rooms were not quite ready. So we stored the luggage in a meeting room and came up with an alternative plan.

One group decided that a walk was in order and so off we went. In the "it pays to look up" category we found that our hotel is right next to the Embassy of Paraguay.

Just a block further down the street we happened on a fountain that was a perfect place for a small group picture.

Our intent was to head to the KurDam to see the broad street that has been a famous avenue in the history of Berlin. By a circuitous route and about a half hour later, we made it. Of course, after that brisk walk we decided that some libation was in order.

And so it happened that the first beer in Berlin was ordered and consumed. It sure hit the spot as a bit of lunch did.

With thirsts quenched and appetites satisfied, it was back to the hotel to check on the rooms. We were encouraged that some rooms were ready and we could get a chance to clean up a bit and relax before dinner.

The conviviality continued with some pre-dinner libation at the hotel lobby bar.

Dinner was a buffet with an assortment of salads, peas and carrots, ham, browned potato patties, and a tilapia with tomatoes. For dessert there were brownies, cheesecake squares, and a pudding assortment. Conversation was lively, but everyone was glad to know that bed time was around the corner.

Just a note. At this hotel we have very good WiFi, but in case we don't, please don't panic. Getting online with a reliable connection is vital to the publishing the blog.

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